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Where the Dealers are always one step ahead of the Narc...
 Based on the widespread cultural phenomenon of the retailing of Marijuana, Trafficking is a game of confrontation, tact and daring that pits street-wise Dealers against a dedicated, hard-nosed Narcotics Officer. (For 3-9 Players). - 1. OBJECT OF THE GAME
- a) If you are playing the role of one of the Dealers, you immediately begin wheeling and dealing, scamming and side-stepping, watching for and avoiding the Narc in the hope of becoming the "Traffic King" (the winner of the game). The " Traffic King" is the first Dealer who can sell a Kilo of marijuana (36 ounces or "Lids") before being busted by the Narc.
- b) If you are playing the role of the Narc, you win the game by tracking down and busting all the Dealers before any of them succeeds in selling a Kilo (36 Lids).
- -1 Trafficking playing board
- 1 pack of 16 "Sour Grapes" cards - 1 pack of 16 "Flip Out" cards - 8 THC Transit Passes - 1 Trafficking "Scores" card - 1 marker crayon - 9 plastic moving pieces - a cardboard punchout card depicting characters and lids - 1 pair of dice - a supply of UNDERGROUND BUCKS in the following denominations $10, $20, $50, $100 & $500. - 1 instruction leaflet - 3. PREPARATION
- a) Remove the Narc, and Dealer characters from the cardboard and insert them into the plastic moving pieces.
- b) Remove the Lid tokens and keep them handy along with the THC Transit Passes.
- c) As one player must play the role of the Narc, all players roll both dice with the lowest roller becoming the Narc. The number rolled by each Dealer is significant and should be remembered (see items "d" and "g"ii)
- d) The rest of the players then assume the identities of any one of the eight Dealer characters; high roller chooses first, second highest chooses second and so on until each player has a character to portray.
- e) Listed below are the Dealers of the game and in brackets the "Hang Out" squares for each Dealer. Each Dealer begins the game on his/her own Hang Out square.
- 1. REEFER T. JOHNSTONE III (Threads Clothing Store)
- 2. JANET PLANET (The Cosmic Carrot Health Food Store)
- 3. ZEROX ROACHOID (The Don't Fret Guitar Store)
- 4.SONNY SGURD (Sonny's Cycles)
- 5.BIFF SPLIFF (Spliff Sports)
- 6. STEPHIE "Honey Oil" SLICK (The Neon Palm Tavern)
- 7. D.J. STONER (Q-HIGH FM Radio Station)
- 8. FAST EDDIE TOKE (Records On Wings Record Store)
| - f) After each Dealer has placed his/her moving piece on the proper starting square, the Narc then places his piece on any one of the four Cop Shops
- g) One person is appointed the Underground Banker (traditionally the player sitting to the left of the Narc) and gives the following to each Dealer:
i) $1,000 - (1X$500, 3X$100, 3X$50, 2X$20. 1X$l0) ii) A quantity of Lids equal to the number thrown on the dice when rolled to determine who plays the Narc. h) The Narc is given the Trafficking "Scores" Card to record all Busts. The Underground Banker must also use this sheet to register the "Scores" of each of the Dealers. i) The Sour Grapes and Flip Out cards are to be neatly placed anywhere in the center of the board. j) The Underground Banker controls the flow of all money and Lid transactions. Unless otherwise stated, all money for fines, penalties and payments are given or paid out by the Underground Bank.
- a) The player on the right hand side of the Narc begins the game by rolling one die. Play is continued in a counter clockwise direction.
- b) All Dealers roll one die and must follow the direction of the red arrows.
- c) Should a Dealer land on a COP SHOP square, he has, on his next roll of the die, a choice of two directions in which to proceed (follow the arrows).
- d) THE NARC rolls one die and may move in any direction he desires.
- e) THE NARC is immune to all penalties and fines, ignores all draw cards, does not roll again on any Roll Again squares, nor does he miss a turn on any Miss A Turn squares.
- f) THE NARC must travel on the St. Semillia Expressway when landing on either one of the two-Expressway squares.
- g) The Narc cannot grab a Cab ride as he has no money to pay for the fare nor can he take the THC Subway as he has no THC Transit Pass.
- h) THE NARC does not roll again on BUDDY JIM'S (he's not a buddy of Jim's), nor can he enter the Time Warp on the ROXY square where Dealers get to roll both dice twice and advance. (DEALER BEWARE - There is a directive on a Sour Grapes card which allows the Narc to enter the Time Warp.)
 - 5. BUSTING (Obtaining Offenses)
- a) Should the Narc land on a square where a Dealer is situated or should a Dealer land on a square where the Narc is situated, and the Dealer has in his possession any quantity of Lids, then that Dealer is charged with an offense. The only two squares where a Dealer is immune to an offense is on his own "Hang Out" square (where he can stash his stuff) and on the Yakk Bluff and Stalum Legal Office's NO BUSTZONE (where your lawyer, Al Bluff, always beats the rap).
b) On each offense: i) the Narc confiscates all Lids owned by the Dealer, ii) the Narc escorts the Dealer to the closest en route Cop Shop, iii) the Dealer must pay the following legal fees: a quarter of his/her cash on hand for the first offense (Name In The Book), and half of his/her cash on hand for the second offense (On Probation) before continuing regular play. c) ON THE THIRD OFFENSE, the Dealer is "Busted" and is out of the game. All money and Lids are turned over to the Underground Bank. d) With all offenses, the Dealer's playing piece is moved to the next en route Cop Shop where he resumes play on his next turn.
- It is in this area of the game in which Dealers must be masters of negotiation for in order to become the "Traffick King", Dealers must sell a Kilo (36 Lids). In order to sell 36 Lids, Dealers must win, buy or barter for at least that many.
1. Should a Dealer land on any one of the following Dealing squares he may either BUY (from the square's proprietor), SELL (to a customer in the establishment) or PASS: 1. McDoobie's Hamburgers | 5. Vito's Pizza Parlour | 2. Zombieland Video Arcade | 6. Dexy's All Night Donuts | 3. J.C.'s Flower Shoppe | 7. Hashton Arms Hotel | 4. E.Z.'s Smoke Shop | 8. The Rock Hard Cafe | | | - b) Upon landing on any of the above squares, Dealers must immediately declare whether they are going to BUY, SELL or PASS.
- c)Should the Dealer decide to Buy Lids, he may do so by rolling one die. He then receives a quantity of Lids equal to the number showing on the die. The Dealer must then pay $50 for each Lid purchased. Should the Dealer be unable to afford the number of Lids as shown on the die no deal can be made and no second chance is given to roll the die.
- d)Should the Dealer decide to Sell Lids, he may do so by rolling one die. He can then sell any amount up to the number showing on the die. The Dealer receives $100 for each Lid sold. Should a Dealer roll a number of more lids than he has on hand, then he may sell all that he has.
- e) All money and Lids exchanged on these squares are directed to and from the Underground Bank.
- f) Except for COP SHOP squares and AIRPORT CUSTOMS, should a Dealer land on a square which is occupied by another Dealer, the two may negotiate a direct transaction. In dealing directly, the two Dealers may buy or sell Lids for any price agreed upon. Absolutely no deals can be made should Dealers land together on a COP SHOP square or AIRPORT CUSTOMS,
- g) No deals can be made with a Dealer who is away from his Hang Out square when another Dealer lands on his Hang Out square.
- h) If no person is playing the role of a Dealer character, consider that vacant Hang Out square, a Dealing square. Hang Out squares vacated by Busted Dealers, however, are not available for dealing. The Busted Dealer is considered to be in Jail and therefore his/her operation is closed down.
- i) A Dealer is allowed only one buying or selling transaction when dealing with the Underground Bank on a Dealing square or when dealing directly with another Dealer.
- j) Should a Dealer land on a Dealing square which is occupied by a fellow Dealer, that Dealer is allowed only one transaction; he may make a deal with either the Underground Bank or his fellow Dealer. In this instance the Dealer already occupying the Dealing Square has the rare opportunity of making two deals while on the same square.
- k) Each Lid sold by a Dealer should be marked off on the official Trafficking "Scores" card by the Underground Banker.
1) Should a Dealer not wish to make a deal when landing on anyone of the Dealing squares, simply state "Pass" and play continues. - 7. MARCUS M. MARK (The Rich Kid)
- a) Dealers landing on this square may sell Lids to Marcus @ $150 X the roll of one die. E.g. If a 6 is rolled, 6 Lids are sold for $750.
- b) Should a Dealer roll a number of more Lids that he has on hand to sell, he may sell all that he has.
- c) All money and Lids exchanged on this square are directed to and from the Underground Bank.
- 8. THE PUSHER (You don't really want to meet with this person).
 - a) Dealers landing on this square MUST buy Lids from The Pusher @ $100 X the roll of one die. e.g. If a 6 is rolled, 6 Lids must be purchased for $600.
b) If a Dealer is unable to pay for the number of Lids which he is required to purchase, he then turns over all of his possessions to the Underground Bank and is out of the game. c) All money and Lids exchanged on this square are directed to and from the Underground Bank. - 9. COP SHOPS AND GRAFT TAX PAYMENTS
- a) Should a Dealer land on any one of the four Cop Shop squares and has in his possession any quantity of Lids, he must pay a Graft Tax to the Underground Bank. The Graft Tax payment structure is as follows:
 | NO OFFENSES-$50 NAME IN THE BOOK-$100 ON PROBATION-$200 | - b) A Dealer does not lose his Lids should he land on this square, except of course, if the Narc is occupying the square. If this occurs, no Graft Tax is paid.
- c) When on a Cop Shop square, the dealer has, on his next roll of the die, a choice of two directions in which to proceed (follow the arrows).
- *Suggestion: Get one early; it'll come in handy
a) In order to ride on the THC Transit System, Dealers must first purchase a THC Transit Pass for $50. THC Transit Passes can only be purchased from the authorized THC Agent -The 11-7 Inconvenience Stores. b) Dealers can only purchase a THC Transit Pass when landing on an 11-7 Inconvenience Store.
c) All money paid out for THC Transit Passes is directed to the Underground Bank. d) When landing on a THC Subway Station, Dealers holding a THC Subway Pass may immediately take a subway ride to any THC subway station on the board ... or may stay put and continue regular play on the next roll of the die. e) Dealers not holding a THC Subway Pass must stay put and may only continue regular play on the next roll of the die. f) As previously explained, the Narc is not allowed to use the THC Subway as he does not have a THC Transit Pass. - 11. THE 11-7 INCONVENIENCE STORES (Lid Pick-Up Squares)
- When landing on any one of the four 11- 7 Stores, Dealers have the option of picking up 1 Lid or "Passing".
- a) SHOULD A DEALER WISH TO PICK UP A LID, he may do so by rolling both dice. Should an 11 or 7 be thrown, the Dealer receives a free Lid from the 11-7 Shopkeeper. However, should any other number be thrown, the dealer must then buy l Lid from the ll-7 Shopkeeper at the cost of $10 X the number shown on the dice.
- b) SHOULD A DEALER BE UNABLE TO PAY FOR A LID, he turns over all of his possessions to the Underground Bank and is out of the game.
- c) SHOULD A DEALER NOT WISH TO RISK PICKING UP A LID, simply state "Pass" and regular play continues.
- d) The 11-7 Inconvenience Stores are also the official authorized agent for distributing THC Transit Passes. Dealers, when landing on any 11-7 Store, may purchase a THC Transit Pass for $50.
e) All money and Lids exchanged on these squares are directed to and from the Underground Bank.
- 12. CAB STANDS (The Blitz Taxi Cab Co.)
 - a) Should a Dealer land on a cab stand square, he may immediately take a Blitz Cab and move for $10 a square (following the directions of the arrows) to any square on the board.
- b) The cab fare is paid to the Underground Bank.
- c) THE NARC, as previously stated, cannot take a cab as he has no money.
- a) All players, including the Narc, when landing on either of these two squares MUST immediately take the expressway connecting these two squares.
b) Regular play continues on the next roll of the die. - 14. JACK POT
- This square is where an eccentric old hippie lives - Jack Pot! Any Dealer landing on the Jack Pot square is rewarded with some of Jack Pot's Grade "A" homegrown.
- a) Whatever number the Dealer rolled to land on the Jack Pot square is the number of free Lids Jack Pot gives you .e.g. if you rolled a "4" to land on the Jack Pot square, you receive 4 free Lids.
- b) All gift Lids from Jack Pot are collected from the Underground Bank.
- c) As there is no die thrown when on a cab ride, no free Lids can be collected from cab riders stopping here.
- d) The NARC, of course, ignores this square with regard to collecting free Lids.
- Dealers landing on this square may take a chance and try to win some money. This is done by correctly predicting what your next roll of the die will be.
- a) Should a Dealer not wish to take a chance, simply state "Pass" and regular play continues.
- b) Should a Dealer decide to take a chance he must:
- i) Declare the amount of money he is willing to risk,
- ii) Announce which of the two gambles (or both if so desired) he is going to take:
- 1. EXACT NUMBER-Pay-off at odds 5-1.
2. EVENS OR ODDS-Pay-off at Even Money (1-1). iii) Announce his prediction. c) On his next roll of the die, the Dealer then rolls to see if he is a winner or loser. EXAMPLE 1. The Dealer announces, "EXACT NUMBER BET-NUMBER "4" FOR $100." Should a "4" be rolled, the Dealer at odds of 5-1, wins $500 as well as recovering the $100 risked. EXAMPLE 2. The Dealer announces, "EVENS/ODDS BET-EVENS FOR $50." Should a 2,4, or 6 be rolled, the Dealer, at even money, wins $50 as well as recovering the $50 risked. d) Naturally, should a number be rolled other than that predicted by the Dealer, the money risked by the Dealer is lost. e) All winnings and losings are directed to and from the Underground Bank.
 - Dealers landing on this square must "clear customs" with the Customs Officer (played by THE NARC). This is done by having the Dealer secretly put all his Lid tokens in one hand and then offering both hands to the Narc. THE NARC must then choose a hand.
- a) Should the Narc choose the empty hand, the Dealer has successfully cleared Customs and is free to continue regular play on his next turn.
- b) Should the Narc choose the hand with the Lids, then the Dealer is charged with an offense (see Section 5-Busting).
- c) Should a Dealer not have any Lids in his possession when landing on Airport Customs, play continues without an interrogation.
- d) When called upon to play the role of the Customs Officer, the NARC does not leave the square which he is on. However, should the Narc successfully bust a Dealer, the NARC must still escort that Dealer to the closest en route Cop Shop (i.e. The West End Cop Shop).
- Should a Dealer land on either a Sour Grapes square of a Flip Out square, he must pick-up the card from the appropriate stack, follow the card's instructions and then return the card face-down to the bottom of the stack (unless otherwise stated). As previously stated, the NARC ignores all draw cards.
- a) Should a Dealer be unable to pay for a fine or penalty, he is automatically out of the game. All money and Lids are turned over to the Underground Bank.
- b) Absolutely no borrowing or lending of money is allowed in the game of TRAFFICKING. However, should all players agree to allow the lending of money before the game begins, toss this rule out.
- a) Remember that in attempting to win at the game of TRAFFICKING, THE NARC is not your sole opponent. Your fellow Dealers are out to win as well. So in negotiating your deals, be careful that you don't give up too much for too little-you could be helping someone win the game ahead of yourself.
- b) Although TRAFFICKING is more a game of status then greed, keep an eye on your cash flow. You don't start out with a lot so make sure you spend your bucks wisely. Don't forget that you could also lose the game through bankruptcy.
- a) When you finish playing TRAFFICKING, simply wipe the TRAFFICKING "Scores" card clean with a dry or, if necessary, damp cloth and you're ready for the next game.
- b) Questions? Criticisms? Compliments (any time)?
email: The Underground Games Company comments@trafficking.com
Trafficking is a registered trademark of the Underground Games Co. Copyright ©1983-Forever All rights reserved |